How to Choose the Right Materials for Phone Case

nycLife | How to Choose the Right Materials for Phone Case
nycLife | How to Choose the Right Materials for Phone Case

Be it in the metro, at the workplace, at a cafe, or even before bed; we just cannot go about our days without our cellphones. They have become extensions of our lives now. And with such widespread usage comes the concern of protecting them from external damage. And what’s a better way to do so than by buying a sturdy phone case? 

A phone case protects your phone from external damage and enhances the aesthetic appeal. With so many options available in the market, one can go for plain and simple or even printed phone cases. However, the real question comes down to the material. We often struggle with choosing the right material that is easy to maintain and sturdy as well. So, we have designed this guide to help you solve this dilemma and choose the appropriate phone case material based on your needs. We’ll simplify your decision by giving some basic factors to consider before going for “the best phone case.” 

What Are the Available Options?

You see a plethora of options available when you go to buy a phone case. While some people go for silicone for a better grip and affordability, others go for leather and metal for an elevated aesthetic appeal. However, that’s not all. Here are some popular material options available for you. You can choose any of them depending on your personal preferences. 


As mentioned above, silicone is one of the most popular choices amongst phone case enthusiasts. It’s affordable, durable, and provides an excellent grip. However, they attract dirt and lint quite easily and are prone to tailing off of designs if you wish to go for customization. 


Most of you probably remember the flip phone cases made out of leather as one of your earliest phone case memories. The shiny texture of leather gives phone cases a sophisticated look. However, it might get tampered and scratched off due to regular wear and tear. 


Rubber, when paired with plastic, provides enhanced shock absorption and grip. If you are already bored with basic hard plastic covers, you can pair them with rubber to get a unique and impact-resistant phone case. However, they might be a little on the expensive side and are not as customizable as the other options. 


Are you fond of phone cases engraved with your name on the back? If so, then a wooden phone case would be the perfect choice for you. Durable, attractive, and highly customizable wooden phone cases provide the best grip. But before going with this option, consider the fact that they are rarely available in the market and might not be very protective.

Hard Plastic

This one needs no introduction. All of us have used a hard plastic case at least once in our lives. These phone cases are highly durable and customizable. If you are clumsy or go tough on your phone case, these cases might be perfect for you. Nevertheless, these covers provide just one layer of protection to your device and also lack a strong grip due to their slick exterior. 

How To Choose The Right Material

Now that you know about the popular options available, here are some factors you should consider before buying the right phone case material for yourself: 

1. Visual Appeal and Customization

A lot of us love it when our phone cases reflect our personalities. If you belong to this clan, you must choose a material that is easy to customize. And how can we miss silicone and hard plastic when talking about customization? Quite easily available and reasonably priced, these materials are perfect for customization. If you are also concerned about multifunctionality, you should also think about adding a pop socket or a phone ring to hold it easily. Pro-tip- don’t go for transparent silicone covers, as they tend to get a yellow undertone with time. 

2. Durability and Protection

The main purpose of getting a phone case is to protect your phone from external damage. We often tend to accidentally drop our phones which results in cracks and scratches. If you are someone who is concerned more about protection and durability, you should go for wood, metal and polycarbonate plastic phone cases without giving it a second thought. Moreover, these materials don’t show signs of regular wear and tear easily. You can use them as long as you want without worrying out scratches, faded colours and cracks. 

3. Care and Maintenance 

Nobody likes cleaning, oiling, and repairing their phone cases after every use. If you find yourself doing so often, then your phone case might not be the best option for you. You should consider buying a metal or wooden phone if you want it to be low-maintenance. Hard plastic and silicone phone cases also don’t require extensive cleaning and maintenance like leather cases. You just have to clean them once in a while to get rid of dust, food crumbs, and other scraps. 

Wrapping Up

Buying a suitable phone case should be a piece of cake for you now. Prioritize your needs before going for a phone case. Do you want to customize it to fit your personal style? Should your phone case last longer than a year? Do you want it to be as low-maintenance as possible? Ask yourself these questions, and you will find your favorite phone case in no time. 



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